Saturday, May 26, 2007

Gracious Living

As befits a Drama Hound, my idea of fun things to do are read, write, sing, go to the theatre and eat. Rehearsing can be a lot of fun, too, as can writing songs. Writing itself is solitary, until you get to the point where you’ve got enough of a play that you can show to a director or a composer without blushing to the roots of your hair. Sometimes a play never gets to that point, and you move on to the next one.
I recently moved, which is never easy, and in the process of moving I realized that I had thrown a total of one party in the apartment that I was leaving, and that was nearly four years ago. So it is time to throw a party again. I really enjoy parties where I know more than one person in the room. Parties where I know no one I tend to get overwhelmed, and lapse into high school dance thought processes: but what if nobody talks to you the whole night? What if you have a giant chunk of spinach stuck in your teeth, and toilet paper hanging off your shoe? Not a good place for your mind to go. But if I’m throwing the party, all that goes away.
I know a few NYC party-throwers- my sister did an amazingly elaborate sit-down Christmas dinner for ten last year. One friend of mine threw an Oktoberfest party last fall, which I thought was a brilliant idea, and he’s not even German. His St. Patrick’s Day party, which my boyfriend and I went to, was wonderful (and no silly green beer). He made the waterchestnut and bacon canapés that I don’t think I’ve seen since 1975- they were great! However, he and his partner are party-giving exceptions. Most of my friends never throw parties; others will have a few people over for dinner (as will I). But mostly, we meet up at a restaurant, or for a drink, at a bar, or go see a show together. The mass and scope of party-giving that I remember my parents’ generation indulging in I simply don’t see anymore. Because life is so much less leisurely? Because if we email eight times a day we don’t need the face-to-face contact? Because our creative energies are focused elsewhere? Or some combination of all of the above?
I have staked my party claim- I sent out the “Save the Date” E-vite. I’m mentally composing the invitation, something like “Thrill to watching the sunset over the Gowanus Expressway, and the moon coming up over the BQE.” Does that make you want to come or what?!

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