My friend James got me my first job when I moved to New York. It was stage managing a play he was in at Theatre for the New City called "Title: Nietzsche," written and directed by Dr. Larry Myers. Larry and I went on to become friends, and I studied playwriting with him after his show closed- it was his way of paying me for the work I'd done.
Many years later, we are still in touch. Larry has two shows coming up. The first is "Car Sleepers & Tent City Folk," based on interviews he conducted with homeless people in Los Angeles (we've seen the people living in the cliffs along the Pacific Coast Highway way- it's really strange to us), San Diego, Venice and St. Petersburg, Florida. It will premiere at Theatre for the New City (First Avenue at Tenth Street) for three days this summer (no dates yet). Larry is playing All the roles. He then (as actor, playwright and director) tours to San Francisco, Santa Barbara, San Diego, Columbus (Ohio) and Ocean Grove (New Jersey).
As if that isn't enough (it's exhausting for me just to write about it), his long-aborning play about Lily Dale (where the mediums congregate upstate) is being staged in Lily Dale the first week of August. It features an "all-medium cast" playing Mae West, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Harry Houndini (aka Erich Weiss of East 90th Street- he lived across the street from the Marx Brothers), Susan B. Anthony and Abraham Lincoln.
Dr. Myers teaches at St. John's University. In his free time, he's writing an authorized book about Edward F. Albee.